On my most recent photoshoot with Jay I took the opportunity to capture some low-key, one light nudes and this was my favourite photo of the day.

I like the simplicity of it. There are no distractions (I don’t think), plain white sheets on the bed and a simple pair of black stockings. The pose is sensual without being too sexy. Although it was shot in the middle of the afternoon, the lighting has given it a night-time feel.

The lighting is an essential element of the photo. I used a single studio flash unit fitted with a reflector dish, grid and barn doors, to control the light for it to fall just where I wanted it. I closed the curtains in the room to keep any stray light out. The white sheets on the bed acted as a natural reflector to bounce a touch of light back onto Jay’s body. See lighting diagram.

Click on the images to see them bigger and please feel free to comment. Thanks for reading.

Jay - one light nude by Paul Jones

Lighting diagram for Jay - one light nude by Paul Jones

Categories: nude photography

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