“You can take me where you will
Up the creek and through the mill
Like all the things you can’t explain
Four seasons in one day”
Crowded House ‘Four Seasons in One Day’

It’s cold.  Typical January, here in the UK.  We’ve had everything this week, rain, hail, winds, sunshine – four seasons in one day.

I get to thinking about warmer times, and photoshoots on the beach, like the last beach shoot with Melissa.  And then Melissa emails to confirm the date for our next shoot.  Roll on March…

Our last beach shoot was at Formby. Although it was dry, we arrived at the beach to find some strong winds blowing, which meant that Melissa’s hair was getting blown about in all directions.  We found a spot that was quite secluded and offered a bit of protection from the wind and we set to work.  We got through a few different outfit changes and I was pleased with the results.

Lighting was mainly natural light, though I also used a Nikon SB-800 speedlight on some shots to give a slight boost and because I was experimenting with various settings.

Click on the photographs to enlarge and feel free to leave a comment.

Reminiscing about Melissa at the Beach

Reminiscing about Melissa at the Beach

Reminiscing about Melissa at the Beach

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